


IF Mode Folding Bicycle with Upgrades

The coolest trick of this bike is that it folds into a compact package in seconds. The patented single-action automatic folding system requires no tools.

Pacific Cycles

Moove - is a foldable electric bicycle with Shimano Steps E5000 mid-drive, and frame-integrated lithium battery. · E-Birdy - It is the electric version of ...

Pacific IF Mode folding bike - k-

Bike-Related. Satisfaction index: -2. Location. Container: free-standing, TW Storage 573. Acquisition. Date acquired: Friday, 2013, May 17.

IF MODE: the sleek folding bicycle with a clever twist

Pacific Cycles IF MODE fold up bicycle offers single action automatic folding, converting to a convenient wheelable package.

IF Mode folding bike

The clean and striking IF Mode is aimed at commuters of the mobile generation who, until now, may have not considered cycling or folding bikes to be an option.

Ultimate Folding bike - IF Move - Bicycles

This is the perfect bike to fold up and take to the Northern Rivers Rail trail. The IFMove takes no time to unfold and you are ready to ride.

IF MOVE Belt Drive Dual Speed

IFMOVE - a new way to move The IFMOVE is a commuter that folds easily and faster than any other folding bike - usability is the highest priority: the bike ...


... IF系列車款。整合了各種折疊概念及功能,iF 即整合性折疊Integrated Folding的縮寫。只需3秒折疊,並可推行的大輪徑折疊車。 IF MODE線條簡潔俐落,充滿未來感,是IF ...

Pacific Cycles iF Mode and iF Urban 700 full

The iF Mode is more for the inner city worker, being made of a lighter aluminium monocoque frame. While the iF Urban 700 has a conventional, ...


Thecoolesttrickofthisbikeisthatitfoldsintoacompactpackageinseconds.Thepatentedsingle-actionautomaticfoldingsystemrequiresnotools.,Moove-isafoldableelectricbicyclewithShimanoStepsE5000mid-drive,andframe-integratedlithiumbattery.·E-Birdy-Itistheelectricversionof ...,Bike-Related.Satisfactionindex:-2.Location.Container:free-standing,TWStorage573.Acquisition.Dateacquired:Friday,2013,May17.,Pacific...